Kristen Ferrell

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Small Biz tips and Print on Demand

There are a TON of videos that I created for my old Patreon about being a working artist and running a small business, and I’m going to repost them on here because the info is (hopefully) still useful. This video is from about a year and a half ago. Update on the Printful products- the quality is amazing, and the size options allows me to finally be extremely size inclusive. Yay!!

This video is about Print on Demand (POD), and the reason why so many small businesses like mine are using it. One thing to mention that I don’t note in the video… your profit isn’t as big when using POD services vs getting items made in large quantity and shipping yourself. The reason being they are supplying all the material and doing all the labor- so you’re just getting a percentage of that profit. That may be a big dealbreaker for you. BUT on the flipside, you will never have inventory sitting around that you have to clearance out, and there are zero upfront costs. So weight it out accordingly to what works best for you.

I’m the first to admit that I have baggage about having a shit-ton of inventory because I got slaughtered during the 2008 crash (and if you’d like to know more about that, I can post about that). So that financial trauma weighs heavy on my business decisions, and makes me extremely cautious now.

If videos like this are helpful for you, let me know and I’ll make more! And let me know in the comments if you have any questions. xoxoxo