Here you’ll get announcements, arty tips, sales, tutorials, current event rage rantings, and cute pics of my dogs.
I am that witch your parents warned you about. Let’s get it on.
Welcome to the KKF ramblings!
Gallery Opening on Feb 7th AND 8th…
Who wants to hang out with me and Brad and look at some great art?
Little Birdy drawing Tutorial
Wanna draw a little bird with me? Here’s my first youtube tutorial to get that started! Yay!
Small Biz tips and Print on Demand
What is Print on Demand, how could it help small creators just starting out, and is it right for what you do?
What’s in your simmer pot
Yes, they smell great - but they’re so much more. If you’ve never tried them, here’s a quick how-to….
Yule tutorial and sales!
Who wants holiday sales and to learn how to make pentacle ornaments?…..
Are you there god, it’s me Satan
Welcome to my new blog because social media exhausts me, where I maybe post weekly or daily or monthly, and I’m usually ranting about arty stuff and there are dog pics. Enjoy!.. or don’t. It’s none of my business.